volgens mij leest AVM hier mee, dus hopelijk krijg ik een duidelijk antwoord, want vanuit Berlijn krijg ik dat niet.
In de laatste firmware 7.21 staat o.a. aangegeven: Additional improvements in FRITZ!OS
Changed Option for saving and restoring settings removed
Ik begrijp niet waarom dit een improvement is.
Volgens mij is dit een achteruit gang.
Ik wil graag de settings van de diverse 1750E repeaters die ik gebruik (als access-point) kunnen bewaren en indien nodig restoren.
Ik heb hiertoe een verzoek ingediend bij AVM in Berlijn. Als reactie gekregen: we weten niet of het mogelijk is en of dus dit terug komt.
Tja, mogelijk moet dit toch altijd zijn. Kwestie van de code weer toevoegen of actief maken.
Hopelijk kan iemand van AVM die hier actief is duidelijkheid in verschaffen?
Waarom is dit een verbetering en is het mogelijk om AVM in Berlijn via deze weg te verzoeken deze optie weer toe te voegen?
De gedachte is dat alles centraal gaat in de MESH.
Oude dingen terug zetten, gaf bij repeaters te vaak problemen.
Ik krijg ook vaak vage reacties van AVM.
Fixed WPS for the Wi-Fi Guest Access did not work reliably with non-encrypted Wi-Fi
Fixed - In some cases, the 5 GHz connection was not established immediately after connectiong with WPS
Improved: Better WiFi stability
Fixes and improvements with FRITZ!OS 7.24-877XX
Fixed Data transfer could be interrupted when switching from 5 GHz to 2,4 GHz when the FRITZ!Repeater has a weak 5 GHz signal
Fixed Interruption while streaming video when using IPv6 connections
Fixed After connecting the FRITZ!Repeater to the FRITZ!Box, in some cases only the 2,4 GHz connection was established
Fixes and improvements with FRITZ!OS 7.24-872XX
Fixed - Improved maximum throughput when used with current Apple iOS and MacOS devices (only FRTZ!Repeater 2400)
Fixes and improvements with FRITZ!OS 7.24-8680X
Improved - Improved confirmation message when adoption of settings in the Mesh disabled
Improved - Improved confirmation message when network settings changed
Fixed - WiFi power setting could not be changed in LAN-bridge mode
Fixed - Interruption of the LAN connection after a restart of the FRITZ!Repeater
Fixes and improvements with FRITZ!OS 7.24-858XX
Fixed - Wrong tip regarding the use of the FRITZ!Box password when mesh is not activated
Fixed - Changes in the network settings were not applied when the user switched between different settings
Fixed - Number of messages in “System / Event Log” was too smal in some areas
Fixed - When parallel WPS registrations were detected they were not ended reliably
Fixed - Wrong default country after setting factory defaults (only for german editions of FRITZ!Repeater)
Fixes and improvements with FRITZ!OS 7.24-854XX
Fixed - The “Support” page could no longer be opened directly
Fixed - Unintentional display of LAN port settings
Fixed - Repeated promt for setting a password
Fixed - Wrong timestamp for the last FRITZ!OS update
Improved - Improved stability
Fixes and improvements with FRITZ!OS 7.24-848XX
Fixed - In rare cases, multiple radar wait times occurred in the 5-GHz band followed by lost connections
Fixed - In rare cases, the 5-GHz connection to the FRITZ!Box was lost
Fixed - When Wi-Fi standard switched from “11a+n” to “11n+ac”, problems with channel assignments occurred in some cases
Fixed - Incorrect message under “System / Event Log” for WPS during DFS wait time
Improved - Improved messages on Wi-Fi under “System / Event Log”
Improved - Detection of multiple parallel WPS activations improved
Improved - Reworked messages on DFS wait time under “System / Event Log”
Improved - Naming of Wi-Fi guest access (SSID, preassigned) depends on selected language
Improved - Improved stability