Hey #ReclaimYourFace supporter,
Thank you for signing the European Citizens’ Initiative against biometric mass surveillance. In the name of the entire Reclaim Your Face coalition, we wholeheartedly thank you!
Updates: good things, bad things
Since 17 February, over 34.000 people joined you in signing the formal European Citizens’ Initiative against technologies as live mass facial recognition. More, our coalition grew to 49 organisations all over Europe.
However, it’s not all roses. Yesterday, we found out about a massive breach of CCTV and facial recognition devices in the US and Europe. The Verkada breach case shows how mass surveillance makes us all less secure. Our faces are not passwords that can be changed when hacks happen.
Now, more than ever, the EU must act and ban biometric mass surveillance.
We’re screening ‘Coded Bias’
Finally, we are hosting a free screening of the film Coded Bias, between 12 March and 21 March 2021.
The film explores the fallout of MIT Media Lab researcher Joy Buolamwini’s discovery that facial recognition does not see dark-skinned faces accurately, and her journey to push for the first-ever legislation in the U.S. to govern against bias in the algorithms that impact us all.
Register today
We have 200 spots only . It is therefore really important you only register if you promise promise promise to watch the documentary. When the current available spots are exhausted, we will close the registration form.
Once registered, you will receive the access link and code on 12 March. You can use them up until 21 March.
If you appreciate our work, consider supporting #ReclaimYourFace
Take this 10 sec. opinion survey
We do not do any targeted ads. We count on your help to understand what you think about the biggest harms of biometric mass surveillance
Take the survey
Spread the word on Social Media
Are you on Facebook, Twitter, Mastodon, Instagram or LinkedIn? Make sure to let your network know about this important European Citizen Initiative.
Share #ReclaimYourFace
We fight for a future in which we are treated like humans, not like walking barcodes, in which we are respected and not humiliated, discriminated against or treated like crime suspects.
We fight for a future in which our options are not limited by an algorithm, based on our body and looks. We want a future in which experimental technologies like live facial recognition do not make assumptions about us and get to decide: are we allowed to go on holiday, can we start a new life in a new city, go to a concert, change career or get a loan, rental or insurance?
About #ReclaimYourFace
Launched in October 2020, #ReclaimYourFace is a European movement that brings people’s voices into the democratic debate about the use of our biometric data. The coalition challenges the use of this sensitive data in public spaces and its impact on our freedoms.
Our coalition is made up of 49 European civil society organisations. European Digital Rights (EDRi) coordinated the Reclaim Your Face coalition.
Official website: reclaimyourface.eu
Campaign co-ordinators: info@reclaimyourface.eu